Monday, February 26, 2007

A little more of it...

..... yeah.


CC said...


TotalD said...

Thanks CC you sweetheart you !

Hey Rick , I got your comment. Thank you. If you send me your email via the blog I just wont publish it. There are these bots out there that search sites for emails so I don't want to put yours or mine up :)

David Scott Smith said...

It rocks D... and I may be in breach as you have disabled comments on a previous post. Simply... brevity, honesty all that.. glad to know you and it goes without saying how much you're loved.

biG SIgh

Now moderate that heheh

Michel Gagne said...

Hi Dave - Good to see your blog! Just added the link to my site.

Do you still live in LA? We have to get together for lunch at some point and catch up next time I come down.

I think it's very brave to face the truth and I applaud you for doing so. I offer you my full support as well as much love.

And I'd like to end this post with these words of wisdom:

"You love Shreddies, crunchy delight, mighty good, mighty big little bite!" ;)

Michel Gagne said...

Hi Dave - Good to see your blog! Just added the link to my site.

Do you still live in LA? We have to get together for lunch at some point and catch up next time I come down.

I think it's very brave to face the truth and I applaud you for doing so. I offer you my full support as well as much love.

And I'd like to end this post with these words of wisdom:

"You love Shreddies, crunchy delight, mighty good, mighty big little bite!" ;)

TotalD said...

Thanks Dave O =)

Blair Kitchen said...

Hey Dave! This MTP thing looks really cool. I'm curious as to what it's all about. The drawings look super solid. Great stuff!

p.s. Can I still call you Dave?

TotalD said...

Thanks Blair they are totally fun to do.

For now I'm just asking for D. Among my friends who have known me for 30 years (yes I am that old) they can call me whatever they want because it is really hard to break those habits . The one thing you learn about the state of transition is that the transition is not actually yours , it is the people who know you. In that case the only important thing is that I know who I am =)

Jeff Johnson said...

Can we still do the Dave and Jeff Animation Radio Show?... I think I know our first topic. Seriously, I respect the honesty. It is something we see too little of in our world.

Jeff Johnson said...

Can we still do the Dave and Jeff Animstion Radio Show? I tink I know our first topic! Seriously, I respect the honesty. It is something we can use a little more of in our world.


TotalD said...

Awww Jeff. Sure but I get to be the sidekick this time ok ?

bsleven said...

Whatever your secret project is I'm very egar to learn more about it. I love the drawing in your last post too. The emotion and weight of the woman are so strong.

Your stuff is always so inspirational.

: )

Jun said...

Bah, I hate to see a nice electric guitar go to waste. Even a drawing of one. ;)

TotalD said...

I took the uke out because I though you would hate me if I destroyed one of those =)

Hobo Divine said...

Hello D,

We should talk, Ya I love that pose!
Super Wicked!

Who is that a picture of? (your profile picture) Jens Pindal was trying to convince you had a sex-change.
Of course no one actually listens to Jens so I guess it all evens out.

Anyway great work!!! I love the colours



Anonymous said...

D - this is Amy Taylor. From the Dreamworks days... All I can say is Loving you, and Missing you!!! Nothing else matters!!!!!!!

TotalD said...

Ummm Jamie, all I can say is that despite the incredible odds Jens is not always wrong. (Sorry Jens, you know that was totally humor).

TotalD said...

Thanks Amy. Sorry for all the silence but now you know why :)

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be silent any more...At least not to me! I sent you an email. Let's stay in touch please. My sweet D! :)

Hobo Divine said...


I feel like an unmitigated ass.
(Jens was telling the truth)

Well.. I would just like to start off by saying that I've always thought of Dave as "the Dad I never had"...and still do, (AND NO I'M NOT BEING IRONIC).

He was always there for me, no questions asked.

(Wow! So far so good, I haven't put my foot in my mouth)

Well I'm so happy for you Dave, It's like Robert Bly said about the shadow...
it being all the things we are not allowed to be, and how we shove it in a bag and drag it behind us like a burden. And how it's unnatural to be, or have anything, less than a "360 degree personality"

You should be so proud Dave... most of us die cowards.

Once again you have inspired me!

Love always,

TotalD said...

When you work 3000 miles apart the flow of information is not as fluid as you would like Jamie. I honestly posted your post because I thought you were being humorous so we both were mistaken. Life is like that, misconception and misunderstanding. I will leave you with this my dear friend.

roll the dice

if you’re going to try, go all the
otherwise, don’t even start.

if you’re going to try, go all the
this could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs and
maybe your mind.

go all the way.
it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days.
it could mean freezing on a
park bench.
it could mean jail,
it could mean derision,
isolation is the gift,
all the others are a test of your
endurance, of
how much you really want to
do it.
and you’ll do it
despite rejection and the worst odds
and it will be better than
anything else
you can imagine.

if you’re going to try,
go all the way.
there is no other feeling like
you will be alone with the gods
and the nights will flame with

do it, do it, do it.
do it.

all the way
all the way.

you will ride life straight to
perfect laughter, its
the only good fight
there is.


Doug Bennett said...


You gave me more than one leg up in my career so I owe you something that I will probably never be able to repay. Anyway I'm glad you're happy because you deserve it.

And your art rocks!

-Doug Bennett

Doug Bennett said...


You gave me more than one leg up in my career so I owe you something that I will probably never be able to repay. Anyway I'm glad you're happy because you deserve it.

And your art rocks!

-Doug Bennett

TotalD said...

Thanks Doug but you earned everything , I was just lucky enough to be there. It's been a joy to watch your work both 2D and 3D. The admiration is mutual =)


Todd Jacobsen said...

That Bukowski quote is easily the best thing I've read on the 'net in a year. Thanks for posting it, D.


LUC said...

Right on :)

Moderator said...

Great stuff here!!

Tell me if you link me I'll link you back!



These peices are Rad, and don't worry I haven't forgotten about you. I need to email you in the next few days. We have some catching up to do!

Shane :)

TotalD said...

Thanks Lars your stuff is awesome. Amazing stuff.

Shane, yes, we definately must talk, definately. Ahem. Yeah, sorry about the no warning thing. =)

Cathy Parks , just send your email via the blog, I just wont publish it. Say hi to Steve ! No, I don't have a drawing desk anymore , I use just my Cintiq.

Michelle said...

Hi D, thanks for your comments and for linking me on your blog. I'm not sure how to do that yet, but when I do I'll put you on if you don't mind.

TotalD said...

I would love that Michelle. It's nice to find everyone again =)

RedDiabla said...

Heya D! Long time no see!

I'm lovin' the blog...Steph found it and forwarded the link. I hate you in the nicest possible way, what with the fantastic art and all!

TotalD said...

Awww Sandra/RedDiabla you sweetheart. I'm a fan of yours too , just amazing work and we LOVE the Derby Dolls. If anyone hasn't seen it:

Girls who kick butt! No they do. I must add you art blog I'm araid. Your adventures with Beavis have been fascinating (it justifies apartment dwelling )by the way , totally . Give Steph a hug and tell him everything is ok and it's like switching from XP to OSX , no biggie.

Fooksie said...

Hi D,
Stumbled upon your blog from another blog as I cruise the web looking for work.
You gotta follow your heart, no matter what.
Take care of yourself,

leeC said...

Dear D,

Its really great to find your's the perfect vehicle for disseminating your wealth of knowledge and talent.
I was certainly a recipient of that support and encouragement in pre-blog days.
I lecture at the University of Ulster here in Derry City, N.Ireland where I live with my wife Kate and son Neil Francis.

Many Thanks.

leeC said...

Dear D,

Its really great to find your's the perfect vehicle for disseminating your wealth of knowledge and talent.
I was certainly a recipient of that support and encouragement in pre-blog days.
I lecture at the University of Ulster here in Derry City, N.Ireland where I live with my wife Kate and son Neil Francis.

Many Thanks.

Hobo Divine said...

What is Estrodoil beer?

I guess I should be embarrassed considering I'm a Hobo.

TotalD said...

Look it up on Google =)

Hobo Divine said...

Estrodoil beer...

Sounds like it would be a hit!

Well before the side effects kicked in the next day.

Here they are:

breast pain or tenderness
upset stomach
weight gain or loss
hair loss
redness or irritation of the skin that was covered by the estradiol patch
swelling, redness, burning,
painful menstrual periods
changes in mood
change in sexual desire
back, neck, or muscle pain
runny nose or congestion
darkening of skin on face (may not go away even after you stop using transdermal estradiol)
unwanted hair growth
difficulty wearing contact lenses
bulging eyes
yellowing of the skin or eyes
loss of appetite
joint pain
stomach tenderness, pain, or swelling
movements that are difficult to control
rash, blisters on skin, or other skin changes
swelling, of the eyes, face, lips, tongue, throat, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs
difficulty breathing or swallowing

oh and there were two so disgusting that I deleated them from the list.


TotalD said...

Well , beats just a hangover doesn't it ?
You are good sir, very good =)